Trials and Triumphs of an Average Guy

Welcome to Dragon and Tiger!

This is my personal webpage for fun and to track my progress. As for the name, i thought it'd be cool. I'm a 22 year old guy who likes working out, cooking, and playing videogames. I've been struggeling with a lot of mental and physical health problems, so I've not been fulfilling my own expectations. I decided my new goal would be to fight for my happyness and become the best version of myself. I don't care about success in the classic sense, because I've redefined what success is to me and me alone. If you can relate to the things I write, and you feel encouraged or understood, then that is success in and of itself.


This is my personal webpage for fun and to track my progress. As for the name, i thought it'd be cool. I'm a 22 year old guy who likes working out, cooking, and playing videogames. I've been struggeling with a lot of mental and physical health problems, so I've not been fulfilling my own expectations. I decided my new goal would be to fight for my happiness and become the best version of myself. I don't care about success in the classic sense, because I've redefined what success is to me and me alone. If you can relate to the things I write, and you feel encouraged or understood, then that is success in and of itself.